Example Application

To illustrate some of the functionality of tda-api, here is an example application that finds stocks that pay a dividend during the month of your birthday and purchases one of each.

import atexit
import datetime
import dateutil
import httpx
import sys
import tda

REDIRECT_URI = 'https://localhost:8080/'
TOKEN_PATH = 'ameritrade-credentials.json'
YOUR_BIRTHDAY = datetime.datetime(year=1969, month=4, day=20)
SP500_URL = "https://tda-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/sp500.txt"

def make_webdriver():
    # Import selenium here because it's slow to import
    from selenium import webdriver

    driver = webdriver.Chrome()
    atexit.register(lambda: driver.quit())
    return driver

# Create a new client
client = tda.auth.easy_client(

# Load S&P 500 composition from documentation
sp500 = httpx.get(
    SP500_URL, headers={
        "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}).read().decode().split()

# Fetch fundamentals for all symbols and filter out the ones with ex-dividend
# dates in the future and dividend payment dates on your birth month. Note we
# perform the fetch in two calls because the API places an upper limit on the
# number of symbols you can fetch at once.
today = datetime.datetime.today()
birth_month_dividends = []
for s in (sp500[:250], sp500[250:]):
    r = client.search_instruments(
        s, tda.client.Client.Instrument.Projection.FUNDAMENTAL)
    assert r.status_code == httpx.codes.OK, r.raise_for_status()

    for symbol, f in r.json().items():

        # Parse ex-dividend date
        ex_div_string = f['fundamental']['dividendDate']
        if not ex_div_string.strip():
        ex_dividend_date = dateutil.parser.parse(ex_div_string)

        # Parse payment date
        pay_date_string = f['fundamental']['dividendPayDate']
        if not pay_date_string.strip():
        pay_date = dateutil.parser.parse(pay_date_string)

        # Check dates
        if (ex_dividend_date > today
                and pay_date.month == YOUR_BIRTHDAY.month):

if not birth_month_dividends:
    print('Sorry, no stocks are paying out in your birth month yet. This is ',
          'most likely because the dividends haven\'t been announced yet. ',
          'Try again closer to your birthday.')

# Purchase one share of each the stocks that pay in your birthday month.
account_id = int(input(
    'Input your TDA account number to place orders (<Ctrl-C> to quit): '))
for symbol in birth_month_dividends:
    print('Buying one share of', symbol)

    # Build the order spec and place the order
    order = tda.orders.equities.equity_buy_market(symbol, 1)

    r = client.place_order(account_id, order)
    assert r.status_code == httpx.codes.OK, r.raise_for_status()