OrderBuilder Reference

The Client.place_order() method expects a rather complex JSON object that describes the desired order. TDA provides some example order specs to illustrate the process and provides a schema in the place order documentation, but beyond that we’re on our own. tda-api aims to be useful to everyone, from users who want to easily place common equities and options trades, to advanced users who want to place complex multi-leg, multi-asset type trades.

For users interested in simple trades, tda-api supports pre-built Order Templates that allow fast construction of many common trades. Advanced users can modify these trades however they like, and can even build trades from scratch.

This page describes the features of the complete order schema in all their complexity. It is aimed at advanced users who want to create complex orders. Less advanced users can use the order templates to create orders. If they find themselves wanting to go beyond those templates, they can return to this page to learn how.

Optional: Order Specification Introduction

Before we dive in to creating order specs, let’s briefly introduce their structure. This section is optional, although users wanting to use more advanced featured like stop prices and complex options orders will likely want to read it.

Here is an example of a spec that places a limit order to buy 13 shares of MSFT for no more than $190. This is exactly the order that would be returned by tda.orders.equities.equity_buy_limit():

    "session": "NORMAL",
    "duration": "DAY",
    "orderType": "LIMIT",
    "price": "190.90",
    "orderLegCollection": [
            "instruction": "BUY",
            "instrument": {
                "assetType": "EQUITY",
                "symbol": "MSFT"
            "quantity": 1
    "orderStrategyType": "SINGLE"

Some key points are:

  • The LIMIT order type notifies TD that you’d like to place a limit order.
  • The order strategy type is SINGLE, meaning this order is not a composite order.
  • The order leg collection contains a single leg to purchase the equity.
  • The price is specified outside the order leg. This may seem counterintuitive, but it’s important when placing composite options orders.

If this seems like a lot of detail to specify a rather simple order, it is. The thing about the order spec object is that it can express every order that can be made through the TD Ameritrade API. For an advanced example, here is a order spec for a standing order to enter a long position in GOOG at $1310 or less that triggers a one-cancels-other order that exits the position if the price rises to $1400 or falls below $1250:

    "session": "NORMAL",
    "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
    "orderType": "LIMIT",
    "price": "1310.00",
    "orderLegCollection": [
            "instruction": "BUY",
            "instrument": {
                "assetType": "EQUITY",
                "symbol": "GOOG"
            "quantity": 1
    "orderStrategyType": "TRIGGER",
    "childOrderStrategies": [
            "orderStrategyType": "OCO",
            "childOrderStrategies": [
                    "session": "NORMAL",
                    "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
                    "orderType": "LIMIT",
                    "price": "1400.00",
                    "orderLegCollection": [
                            "instruction": "SELL",
                            "instrument": {
                                "assetType": "EQUITY",
                                "symbol": "GOOG"
                            "quantity": 1
                    "session": "NORMAL",
                    "duration": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL",
                    "orderType": "STOP_LIMIT",
                    "stopPrice": "1250.00",
                    "orderLegCollection": [
                            "instruction": "SELL",
                            "instrument": {
                                "assetType": "EQUITY",
                                "symbol": "GOOG"
                            "quantity": 1

While this looks complex, it can be broken down into the same components as the simpler buy order:

  • This time, the LIMIT order type applies to the top-level order.
  • The order strategy type is TRIGGER, which tells TD Ameritrade to hold off placing the the second order until the first one completes.
  • The order leg collection still contains a single leg, and the price is still defined outside the order leg. This is typical for equities orders.

There are also a few things that aren’t there in the simple buy order:

  • The childOrderStrategies contains the OCO order that is triggered when the first LIMIT order is executed.
  • If you look carefully, you’ll notice that the inner OCO is a fully-featured suborder in itself.

This order is large and complex, and it takes a lot of reading to understand what’s going on here. Fortunately for you, you don’t have to; tda-api cuts down on this complexity by providing templates and helpers to make building orders easy:

from tda.orders.common import OrderType
from tda.orders.generic import OrderBuilder

    equity_buy_limit('GOOG', 1, 1310),
        equity_sell_limit('GOOG', 1, 1400),
        equity_sell_limit('GOOG', 1, 1240)

You can find the full listing of order templates and utility functions here.

Now that you have some background on how orders are structured, let’s dive into the order builder itself.

Constructing OrderBuilder Objects from Historical Orders

TDAmeritrade supports a huge array of order specifications, including both equity and option orders, stop, conditionals, etc. However, the exact format of these orders is tricky: if you don’t specify the order exactly how TDA expects it, you’ll either have your order rejected for no reason, or you’ll end up placing a different order than you intended.

Meanwhile, thinkorswim and the TDAmeritrade web and app UIs let you easily place these orders, just not in a programmatic way. tda-api helps bridge this gap by allowing you to place a complex order through your preferred UI and then producing code that would have generated this order using tda-api. This process looks like this:

  1. Place an order using your favorite UI.
  2. Call the following script to generate code for the most recently-placed order:
tda-orders-codegen.py --token_file <your token file path> --api_key <your API key>
  1. Copy-paste the resulting code and adapt it to your needs.

Note this script is installed by pip, and will only be accessible if you’ve added pip’s executable locations to your $PATH. If you’re having a hard time, feel free to ask for help on our Discord server.

OrderBuilder Reference

This section provides a detailed reference of the generic order builder. You can use it to help build your own custom orders, or you can modify the pre-built orders generated by tda-api’s order templates.

Unfortunately, this reference is largely reverse-engineered. It was initially generated from the schema provided in the official API documents, but many of the finer points, such as which fields should be populated for which order types, etc. are best guesses. If you find something is inaccurate or missing, please let us know.

That being said, experienced traders who understand how various order types and complex strategies work should find this builder easy to use, at least for the order types with which they are familiar. Here are some resources you can use to learn more, courtesy of the Securites and Exchange Commission:

You can also find TD Ameritrade’s official documentation on orders here, although it doesn’t actually cover all functionality that tda-api supports.

Order Types

Here are the order types that can be used:

class tda.orders.common.OrderType

Type of equity or option order to place.


Execute the order immediately at the best-available price. More Info.


Execute the order at your price or better. More info.


Wait until the price reaches the stop price, and then immediately place a market order. More Info.


Wait until the price reaches the stop price, and then immediately place a limit order at the specified price. More Info.


Similar to STOP, except if the price moves in your favor, the stop price is adjusted in that direction. Places a market order if the stop condition is met. More info.


Similar to STOP_LIMIT, except if the price moves in your favor, the stop price is adjusted in that direction. Places a limit order at the specified price if the stop condition is met. More info.


Place the order at the closing price immediately upon market close. More info


Exercise an option.


Place an order for an options spread resulting in a net debit. More info


Place an order for an options spread resulting in a net credit. More info


Place an order for an options spread resulting in neither a credit nor a debit. More info


Set the order type. See OrderType for details.


Clear the order type.

Session and Duration

Together, these fields control when the order will be placed and how long it will remain active. Note tda-api’s templates place orders that are active for the duration of the current normal trading session. If you want to modify the default session and duration, you can use these methods to do so.

class tda.orders.common.Session

The market session during which the order trade should be executed.


Normal market hours, from 9:30am to 4:00pm Eastern.

AM = 'AM'

Premarket session, from 8:00am to 9:30am Eastern.

PM = 'PM'

After-market session, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm Eastern.


Orders are active during all trading sessions except the overnight session. This is the union of NORMAL, AM, and PM.

class tda.orders.common.Duration

Length of time over which the trade will be active.


Cancel the trade at the end of the trading day. Note if the order cannot be filled all at once, you may see partial executions throughout the day.


Keep the trade open for six months, or until the end of the cancel date, whichever is shorter. Note if the order cannot be filled all at once, you may see partial executions over the lifetime of the order.


Either execute the order immediately at the specified price, or cancel it immediately.


Set the order duration. See Duration for details.


Clear the order duration.


Set the order session. See Session for details.


Clear the order session.


Price is the amount you’d like to pay for each unit of the position you’re taking:

  • For equities and simple options limit orders, this is the price which you’d like to pay/receive.
  • For complex options limit orders (net debit/net credit), this is the total credit or debit you’d like to receive.

In other words, the price is the sum of the prices of the Order Legs. This is particularly powerful for complex multi-leg options orders, which support complex top and/or limit orders that trigger when the price of a position reaches certain levels. In those cases, the price of an order can drop below the specified price as a result of movements in multiple legs of the trade.

Note on Truncation

Important Note: Under the hood, the TDAmeritrade API expects price as a string, whereas tda-api allows setting prices as a floating point number for convenience. The passed value is then converted to a string under the hood, which involves some truncation logic:

  • If the price has absolute value less than one, truncate (not round!) to four decimal places. For example, 0.186992 will become 0.1869.
  • For all other values, truncate to two decimal places. The above example would become 0.18.

This behavior is meant as a sane heuristic, and there are almost certainly situations where it is not the correct thing to do. You can sidestep this entire process by passing your price as a string, although be forewarned that TDAmeritrade may reject your order or even interpret it in unexpected ways.


Set the order price. Note price can be passed as either a float or an str. See Note on Truncation.


Directly set the stop price, avoiding all the validation and truncation logic from set_price().


Clear the order price

Order Legs

Order legs are where the actual assets being bought or sold are specified. For simple equity or single-options orders, there is just one leg. However, for complex multi-leg options trades, there can be more than one leg.

Note that order legs often do not execute all at once. Order legs can be executed over the specified Duration of the order. What’s more, if order legs request a large number of shares, legs themselves can be partially filled. You can control this setting using the SpecialInstruction value ALL_OR_NONE.

With all that out of the way, order legs are relatively simple to specify. tda-api currently supports equity and option order legs:

OrderBuilder.add_equity_leg(instruction, symbol, quantity)

Add an equity order leg.

  • instruction – Instruction for the leg. See EquityInstruction for valid options.
  • symbol – Equity symbol
  • quantity – Number of shares for the order
class tda.orders.common.EquityInstruction

Instructions for opening and closing equity positions.


Open a long equity position


Close a long equity position


Open a short equity position


Close a short equity position

OrderBuilder.add_option_leg(instruction, symbol, quantity)

Add an option order leg.

  • instruction – Instruction for the leg. See OptionInstruction for valid options.
  • symbol – Option symbol
  • quantity – Number of contracts for the order
class tda.orders.common.OptionInstruction

Instructions for opening and closing options positions.


Enter a new long option position


Exit an existing long option position


Enter a short position in an option


Exit an existing short position in an option


Clear all order legs.

Requested Destination

By default, TD Ameritrade sends trades to whichever exchange provides the best price. This field allows you to request a destination exchange for your trade, although whether your order is actually executed there is up to TDA.

class tda.orders.common.Destination

Destinations for when you want to request a specific destination for your order.

C2 = 'C2'

Set the requested destination. See Destination for details.


Clear the requested destination.

Special Instructions

Trades can contain special instructions which handle some edge cases:

class tda.orders.common.SpecialInstruction

Special instruction for trades.


Disallow partial order execution. More info.


Do not reduce order size in response to cash dividends. More info.


Combination of ALL_OR_NONE and DO_NOT_REDUCE.


Set the special instruction. See SpecialInstruction for details.


Clear the special instruction.

Complex Options Strategies

TD Ameritrade supports a number of complex options strategies. These strategies are complex affairs, with each leg of the trade specified in the order legs. TD performs additional validation on these strategies, so they are somewhat complicated to place. However, the benefit is more flexibility, as trades like trailing stop orders based on net debit/credit can be specified.

Unfortunately, due to the complexity of these orders and the lack of any real documentation, we cannot offer definitively say how to structure these orders. A few things have been observed, however:

  • The legs of the order can be placed by adding them as option order legs using add_option_leg().
  • For spreads resulting in a new debit/credit, the price represents the overall debit or credit desired.

If you successfully use these strategies, we want to know about it. Please let us know by joining our Discord server to chat about it, or by creating a feature request.

class tda.orders.common.ComplexOrderStrategyType

Explicit order strategies for executing multi-leg options orders.


No complex order strategy. This is the default.


Covered call


Vertical spread


Ratio backspread


Calendar spread


Diagonal spread


Straddle spread


Strandle spread


Butterfly spread


Condor spread


Iron condor spread


Roll a vertical spread


Collar strategy


Double diagonal spread


Unbalanced butterfy spread


A custom multi-leg order strategy.


Set the complex order strategy type. See ComplexOrderStrategyType for details.


Clear the complex order strategy type.

Composite Orders

tda-api supports composite order strategies, in which execution of one order has an effect on another:

  • OCO, or “one cancels other” orders, consist of a pair of orders where execution of one immediately cancels the other.
  • TRIGGER orders consist of a pair of orders where execution of one immediately results in placement of the other.

tda-api provides helpers to specify these easily: one_cancels_other() and first_triggers_second(). This is almost certainly easier than specifying these orders manually. However, if you still want to create them yourself, you can specify these composite order strategies like so:

class tda.orders.common.OrderStrategyType

Rules for composite orders.


No chaining, only a single order is submitted


Execution of one order cancels the other


Execution of one order triggers placement of the other


Set the order strategy type. See OrderStrategyType for more details.


Clear the order strategy type.

Undocumented Fields

Unfortunately, your humble author is not an expert in all things trading. The order spec schema describes some things that are outside my ability to document, so rather than make stuff up, I’m putting them here in the hopes that someone will come along and shed some light on them. You can make suggestions by filing an issue on our GitHub issues page, or by joining our Discord server.


This one seems obvious: doesn’t the quantity mean the number of stock I want to buy? The trouble is that the order legs also have a quantity field, which suggests this field means something else. The leading hypothesis is that is outlines the number of copies of the order to place, although we have yet to verify that.


Exact semantics unknown. See Quantity for a discussion.


Clear the order-level quantity. Note this does not affect order legs.

Stop Order Configuration

Stop orders and their variants (stop limit, trailing stop, trailing stop limit) support some rather complex configuration. Both stops prices and the limit prices of the resulting order can be configured to follow the market in a dynamic fashion. The market dimensions that they follow can also be configured differently, and it appears that which dimensions are supported varies by order type.

We have unfortunately not yet done a thorough analysis of what’s supported, nor have we made the effort to make it simple and easy. While we’re pretty sure we understand how these fields work, they’ve been temporarily placed into the “undocumented” section, pending a followup. Users are invited to experiment with these fields at their own risk.


Set the stop price. Note price can be passed as either a float or an str. See Note on Truncation.


Directly set the stop price, avoiding all the validation and truncation logic from set_stop_price().


Clear the stop price.

class tda.orders.common.StopPriceLinkBasis

An enumeration.


Set the stop price link basis. See StopPriceLinkBasis for details.

Clear the stop price link basis.

class tda.orders.common.StopPriceLinkType

An enumeration.


Set the stop price link type. See StopPriceLinkType for details.

Clear the stop price link type.


Set the stop price offset.


Clear the stop price offset.

class tda.orders.common.StopType

An enumeration.


Set the stop type. See StopType for more details.


Clear the stop type.

class tda.orders.common.PriceLinkBasis

An enumeration.


Set the price link basis. See PriceLinkBasis for details.

Clear the price link basis.

class tda.orders.common.PriceLinkType

An enumeration.


Set the price link type. See PriceLinkType for more details.

Clear the price link basis.


Set the activation price.


Clear the activation price.